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Luigis world

A member registered May 18, 2022

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aww man, no new updates for the Birthday boi torahiko yet :.(

mannnnn, I hope Kane wins, he deserves all the love man. Plus he seems like genuinely likes and cares for Ben. 

wait a minute now…… so is there still potential for Kane to have a route down the line? Because like I said before that man deserves all the love man. So please give that lovable wolfman his own route.

aw snap I wasn’t expecting the developer himself to reply, I’m honored lol. But please do consider it down the line. I would love for Ben to start a relationship with Kane. Plus you did say you like him too so please make it happen.

nice storytelling as always but I have a question. Is Kane gonna have a route or at least a side route because that wolf man deserves some more screen time and some love.

awesome update y’all. But I’m still looking forward to seeing what y’all have in store for the birthday boy;). I hope it’s a special for torahiko.